Saturday, 16 January 2016

Totally Should've book tag

The second post today is a book tag. It is the Totally should've book tag. Basically there are 11 statements that include the words totally should've and you just have to answer them. So here is that tag.

1. Totally should've gotten a sequel. This one is hard because I can't think of any stand alone that should have had a sequel and I can't think of any book series that should have had another book.

2. Totally should've had a spin off series. My favorite book series of all time is Twilight. So I feel like a spin off series would be awesome. In would love a spin off series about the Quileute tribe and their legends or one of the Cullen's or even one about the Volturi.

3. An author who totally should write more books. Stephenie Meyer. I love her writing and she is my favorite author. So I would love to read more by her.

4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else. I'm going to go with Penny from Girl Online by Zoe Sugg. I don't think that Noah is right for her. I mean he lied to her and I just think she could do better. I still haven't bought or read Girl Online On Tour.

5. Totally should've ended differently. The Fault in Our Stars. If you have read this book you will know why.

6. Totally should've had a movie franchise. The Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. There are only two books in the series out right now, but I think if they made films they would be really good.

7. Totally should've had a TV show. Percy Jackson and the Olympians. There were films for the first two books in the series while I enjoyed them they were kind of a flop so I think Percy Jackson should be given another chance.

8. Totally should've only had one point of view. Allegiant. Need I say more.

9. Totally should have a cover change. I love the covers of the books I own so I can't choose one.

10. Totally should've kept the original covers. I don't know.

11. Totally should've stopped at book one. OK so I don't think this series should have stopped at book one but I feel like book two and three could have been written a lot better. The series is Divergent.

That is the end of the tag. Thank you for reading.

Natalie xx

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